Bell Peppers Planting Guide

Here’s a good article on planting bell peppers by the Farmer’s Almanac Staff for The Farmer’s Almanac. Peppers come in a plethora of varieties and are cultivated all over the world. One of the most popular and versatile is the big, sweet bell pepper....

Farmers’ Almanac Extended Forecast For Winter 2020-2021

Here’s an article on the extended forecast for 2020-2021 Winter by The Farmer’s Almanac. Cold And Snowy In The North. Drought In The West. And Everything Crazy In Between! Which Side Are You On? “Based on our time-tested weather formula, the forecast for...

Can Cats Predict The Weather?

Here’s an interesting article on weather predictions by Susan Higgins for Legends & Lore for The Farmer’s Almanac. Animals and weather folklore go hand in hand. Before Doppler radar and smartphone apps, our ancestors watched animal behavior—groundhogs,...